
국내·국외 불교 디지털아카이브 개발사례 일람


Digital humanities and Buddhism : an introduction / edited by Daniel Veidlinger 참고 및 불교 디지털아카이브 서치

불교자료 기관

ECAI 프로젝트, 학술 워크숍 정보

University of Tokyo, Department of Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies (Tokyo Repository- 도쿄대학 인도철학불교학연구 간행본 다운)

Buffalo univ 제공 불교 데이터베이스 일람


화예선상도서관(중국, 대만 논문자료. 유료)



불교 소식지

중국 도서 전문 데이터베이스 프로젝트

Humanities in ucla

Hub for Buddhist texts, teachings, lectures, videos, education

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of ReligionBuddhism

List of Resources for Thai, Lao and Cambodian Studies

Buddhist Studies Virtual Library

각 학문분야별 영미,유럽권DB


태국 불교


붓다넷 어플리케이션

cdli 디지털 도서관

티베트 경전 데이터분석 연구자

불교와 디지털휴머니티를 논의한 곳

미국 불교 스터디(뉴욕 콜롬비아 대학)

국제전자불전협회 (國際電子佛典協會 EBTI, Electronic Buddhist Text Institute)
1993년 미국 버클리 대학(University of California, Berkeley)의 Lewis Lancaster 교수가 중심이 되어 결성. 각국의 언어와 산스크리트어, 빨리어, 티벳어, 漢文, 한국어 등 다양한 언어로 전산화 사업에 대한 국제적인 협력사업을 수행.


본 사이트는 불교와 관련된 정보를 종합해서 제공하는 포털사이트라고 할 수 있다. 資料庫檢索, 佛教入門網站, 佛教圖書館館刊, 佛圖管理, 電子報 등 다양한 기능과 분야를 포괄하지만 특히 資料庫檢索, 佛教入門網站, 佛教圖書館館刊이 주목된다.
佛教入門網站에서는 검색엔진에 관련된 搜尋工具, 다양한 불교사전을 소개하는 佛教字辭典이 특히 유용하며, 佛教圖書館館刊는 매 호마다 다양한 주제를 특집으로 다루고 있다. 佛圖管理는 불교도서의 분류, 정리에 관한 다양한 사항을 소개한다.

대만 불교 도서관

하버드 도서관의 중국학 가이드

  • 블로그


화엄경 관련

중국 불경 구어체 번역(화엄경포함)

화엄경 입법계품 범어 버전

씨베타 인터넷 검색 버전

씨베타 저자별 검색씨베타 저자별 검색

화엄경 요약 및 약찬게, 법성게


불보살 경전 모습

인도학, 불교학 논문등록된 것 (1910~현대) 목록보여줌

스탠포드 철학 백과사전(화엄)

불자와 소통이 돋보이는 사이트

불교 캐릭터 소개(보살, 부처 등)

불교 경전 검색하기 용이한 블로그


기초학문자료센터 토대연구DB

한국학진흥사업 성과포털

저작권 만료된 책


Large Database of Digitized Books on many topics

Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages and Related Indological Materials from Central and Southeast Asia

Asian Classics Input Project (ACIP)

Older Translations of Public Domain Religious Texts in English

앵글로 노만 사전


디지털인문학 관련기술

  • OCR기법으로 잘 변환되지 않는 스캔 처리 텍스트-> 크라우드 소싱으로 해석(CAPTCHA)

한자 유니코드 확인가능한 데이터베이스

LanguagE 툴킷용 머신 러닝

Integrated text processing workflow

document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text.

The R Project for Statistical Computing

Online Word Frequency Counter

Word Vector Mapping Software

Search for matching text strings

Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative

ACIP 데이터셋 다운로드



불교+DH연구 TOOL

General repository for Buddhological resources and code

Virtual Sera Tibetan Monastery

Multimedia Information from the Himalaya Region

Multimedia Resource including videos of talks by Dalai Lama

Thai Digital Monastery

Research Environment for Ancient Documents

Buddhism and East Asian Religions. Repository of texts, images, artifacts and practices

김성철교수님 불교학습자료

일본 불교 사진 사전

불교학 연구 툴 모음

불교 자료 탐색 사이트(나라별) 정리

디지털인문학 정의

Introduction to Digital Humanities Course

Extensible Markup Language (XML)정의

텍스트말뭉치의 시작, 미카엘 베도우

Wikipedia and the Matter of Accountability-A. Charles Muller:

불교경전 DB

중국철학문헌 DB

대장경 나라별 분류

팔리어, 티베트어, 산스크리트어로 된 경전

디지털 산스크리트 경전

Pali Canon and Commentaries

Thesaurus Literaturae Buddhicae

Tibetan Canon

Buddhist Digital Resource Center

Tibetan Canon (ACIP Mirror)

English Translations of Pali Texts

Tibetan Cultural and Textual Resource

Sanskrit Texts and Transliteration Tools

Gandhari Texts, Inscriptions, Dictionaries

Translations of Tibetan Texts

Database of Manuscripts from Laos

Chinese Buddhism Canonical Attributions Database

Resources for Kanjur and Tanjur Studies

Database of Chinese Buddhist Texts

Early Buddhist Texts, Translations and Parallels

한국 불교기록문화유산아카이브

백용성대종사총서 아카이브



CBETA 디지털 연구 플랫폼 논문


CBETA 온라인 열람 시스템

elements from CBETA TEI texts

씨베타 경전분류표

씨베타 불교장경목록 및 전문검색

Canonical Text and Manuscript ResourcesFull Canons

龍谷大学 불전DB

駒澤大学 불전DB



전자불전문화콘텐츠연구소 DATA DAM of EBTC

타이 텍스트 디지털 데이터베이스

lao 텍스트 디지털 데이터베이스

INDOLOGY --Forum for Classical South Asian studies

Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database


네팔-독일어 원고 목록화(티베트 사본,인도원고)

Old Tibetan Documents Online (OTDO)

카와첸(티베트 불교관련 자료)

일본 영어대장경

법고문리학원(대만)의 불교DB 전체일람

법의 치유 데이터베이스-불교 의학 문헌 데이터베이스 연구 및 구축 프로젝트

중국 불교 사원 관보 디지털 아카이브

법화경 DB

국제 한학 연구 자료ー불교 편

하나조노엔대학 국제선학연구소 DB

불교경전 카탈로그 데이터베이스(서지정보 확인용)

실크로드 지역 불교 사진DB

중국불경, 고적텍스트 다운

한글 불교장경 잘 정리된 DB

요가차라-보살의 좋은 계율

불교 경전 영문화 DB

불교경전 영문 프로필

불교 사전

가산 불교대사림


DILA불학규범자료고 佛學規範資料庫


미디어위키를 활용해 불교사전 개발 Digital Dictionary of Buddhism Charles Muller

불교 기초 교리 단어

중국 불광산 전자대장경의 중영문 불교사전

Buddhist Digital Ontology vocabulary github

산스크리트 TOOLS

산스크리트 TOOLS 2

디지털 산스크리트 불교경전

Dictionaries for the Study of Buddhist and East Asian Language and Thought* http://buddhism-dict.net/ Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 1899:


Sanskrit-English Dictionaries

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

Digital Dictionaries of South Asia

Onomasticon of person, place names and Tripitaka catalogues from Buddhist sources; geo-spatial referencing of names and dates

Online Sanskrit Dictionaries

Online Tibetan to English Translation Tool

Padma Karpo Translation Committee online resources for Tibetan Digital Libraries

Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource

Pali Toolbox with dictionary, sample declensions and conjugations

Apte Sanskrit Dictionary Search

Monier Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Spoken Sanskrit

Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries

tibet language translate in English

Search Asian Language

빠알리 사전

빠알리 불전 협회의 빠알리-영어 사전

타밀큐브 빠알리 사전

Buddha Vacana(팔리어 툴박스)

불교용어집 각 언어 다운로드( 개방형 소프트웨어 )

일본 불교 사전

불교 Language Resources

불교 만주 용어집 http://buddhistinformatics.dila.edu.tw/manchu/

불교와 디지털인문학 프로젝트 사례

Digital Humanities Research Case

한국학진흥사업 성과포털

국제연구협력 사례

International Dunhuang ProjectDigital repository of manuscripts, paintings, textiles and artefacts from the Silk Road(돈황연구)

중국불교지리정보 ★


티베트 불교 정보(맵, 사람, 이미지, 리소스-미술작품과 설명- 정리되어 있는 좋은 예)

교토대학 디지털인문학 기초연구 프로젝트-씨베타, 경전 관련

해상 불교 프로젝트

Database of jātakas in Indian texts and art in Edinburgh univ

독일 불교연구

  • 쾰른 대학 산스끄리뜨 사전 포탈 Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries


  • 괴팅엔 대학 GRETIL(Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages): 인도 언어로 된 표준화된 기계 판독 가능 텍스트를 제공하는 리소스 플랫폼, TEI 표준 준수를 위해 말뭉치 변환중

Please note that we are currently in the process of converting our corpus to adhere to the standards proposed by the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) http://gretil.sub.uni-goettingen.de/gretil.html

  • 네팔-독일어 원고 목록화(티베트 사본,인도원고)


국내외 디지털인문학 연구 사례

  • LoGaRT(Local Gazetteers Research Tools)




  • Digital Humanities Research Case


기타 불교자료

불교단어의 하이퍼링크화:21세기의 인디라망

1. Daniel veidlinger가 생각하는 하이퍼링크는 비유하자면 불제자가 깨달음에 이르도록 인도자(단어)들이 지름길을 만들어주는 것이다.(탕융퉁 의견과 일치. 불교가 들어와서 단어수가 5만개 이상 늘었다는 것. 종교 도입과 철학적 사유 발달로 인해 용어가 늚. 이러한 언어가 붓다의 가르침와 道에 가까워지도록 인도함)
위빠사나, 사띠, 마인드풀니스.. 이러한 불교단어들을 하이퍼링크화하여 연관 불교용어를 접하게 하고, 유관한 정보 관계가 인디라망처럼 엮여 깨달음의 본질을 드러낼 것이라 전망한다.

“deeper state of awareness and thereby closer to the bliss of Nirvana(중략)What is remarkable is that the process of tagging - of simply recording some details about an item - is also a key feature of the core Buddhist practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness, also known as sati or vipassanā, asks us to analyze each breath as it goes in and out, marking short breaths in our mind as <short breath> and long breaths as <long breath>. We are then invited to expand this process to other aspects of our body, our thoughts and our feelings. We make a mental note of what they are, note some of their features such as <pleasant> or <painful> and move on to experience the next one (Hart 1987, 67 – 74). It is assert ed that the simple act of tagging these experiences brings us to a deeper state of awareness and thereby closer to the bliss of Nirvana. There is little doubt that tagging a text can bring us closer to an ideal state as well, although dare we say that in this case, it is an ideal state of scholarly knowledge?” Daniel Veidlinger, Digital humanities and Buddhism an introduction, 17-18p

2. 마크업된 정보가 디지털화된 바이오그래피(승단의 쇼셜 네트워크가 표현된 텍스트)의 넥서스포인트 데이터셋을 끌어다가 주는 역할을 하는 툴

Various techniques can extract information from digitized corpora and dis play it in ways that allow one to derive new insights from the data. For example, Marcus Bingenheimer, Jen-Jou Hung and Simon Wiles (2011) have used compu terized network analysis to visualize social network data derived from a TEI-en coded corpus of texts. Using a PREFUSE toolkit (http://www.prefuse.org ), they derived a dataset of nexus-points from the markup information in the digitized Biographies of Eminent Monks that represents the social network implied in this text. Each 'nexus-point is based on the data found in the encoding of the Biographies that had been previously made for other purposes, and represents a specific place and time at which some monks had some sort of interaction.
This then provides information about 'who knew whom' in a certain period of Chinese Buddhism, and can greatly improve our understanding of the Buddhist society of the time.

테라바타 텍스트 참고

script versions became available alongside the Roman one, and some versions were even equipped with a built-in Pāli dictionary. This effort was followed by a similar project to digitize the canon headed by the Vipassanā Research Insti tute in India that allowed for sophisticated search and retrieval functions in a variety of Asian scripts.
This project was based on a slightly different edition of the canon that was redacted in 1956 in Burma as part of the Sixth Buddhist Council (by Burmese reckoning) known as the Chattha Sangāyana. Another proj ect based in Sri Lanka at the Sri Vajiragnana Dharmayatanaya monastic training center also digitized a version of the canon that was published in the island in the 1960s. Since the late 1990s, all of these editions have been available on the Internet in addition to CD-ROM.' The Pāli Text Society, in turn, has also released a CD-ROM version of its Roman edition of the Pāli canon known as EPaliText.
Despite a great deal of interest, a digital version of the complete English trans lations published by the Pāli Text Society has not yet been produced, and in fact no complete English versions of the Pāli Canon are yet available online. Howev er, a number of individual texts and suttas can be found in various forms on the Internet, in particular at (https://www.accesstoinsight.org/ ). Access to Insight started in 1993, when John Bullitt set up a dialup computer bulletin board service in his home with the support of the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies in Massa chusetts.
Later that year it joined with DharmaNet, another Internet-based bul letin board service based in California and initiated the Dharma Book Transcrip tion Project, which digitized and distributed over a hundred books on Buddhism using the transcription efforts of a team of volunteers from around the world. In 1995 the overworked bulletin board service was moved to a website and since then AccessToInsight.org has grown into a well-org anized library of over a thou sand suttas and several hundred articles and books.
Besides these machine-readable text versions of the Pāli canon, there are a number of projects that are currently publishing digital images of Pāli manu scripts found in monastic libraries and other repositories all over Southeast Asia, in particular the Digital Library of Lao Manuscripts (http://laomanuscripts.net ) and the Digital Library of Northern Thai Manuscripts (http://lannamanuscripts.net).
The Fragile Palm Leaves Project (http://fpl.tusita.org/ ) main tains a database of thousands of Palm Leaf Manuscripts from Southeast Asia in their collection, and digitization efforts have begun with the help of the Bud dhist Digital Resource Center (http://www.tbrc.org ).

A number of tools are being developed to aid in the computational analysis of many of the online digital.collections of texts. Two that will be mentioned here are TACL and READ. TACL is a free software tool developed by Michael Radich and Jamie Norrish (https://github.com/ajenhl/tacl/).
The tool is intended to help discover such things as the sources of a given text, the impact of this text through citations, stylistic features distinctive to a given author or text and other inquiries along these lines.
The tool uses the CBETA Chinese Canon and analyzes the texts into “n-grams”, which are strings of characters whose length is determined by the user.
The tool compares the texts in question and looks for all the strings of characters that are shared exactly by the texts, or all of the strings that are unique to each text.
These results can then be sorted and analyzed in various ways and summary statistics can be generated that can show various ways in which these texts are related.
Environment for Ancient Documents (READ) is a system cur rently being developed by a team lead by Mark Allon at the University of Sydney and Ian McCrabb at the Prakaś Foundation (http://sydney.edu.au/arts/research/read/ ).
It is a comprehensive multiuser philological toolset for the transcription, translation and analysis of ancient Sanskrit and Prakrit manuscripts, inscrip tions, coins and other documents. It also serves as a publishing platform and fa cilitates detailed annotation and tagging of textual corpora.
In addition, it can link images, glossaries, bibliographies, catalogs, and dictionaries in a well-de signed visual editor that also allows for flexible metadata, search and Text En coding Initiative (TEI) support, amongst other features. READ incorporates a paradigm shift in data structure from strings of marked-up text to a semantical ly-linked network of objects and aggregates some of the latest developments in digital philological tools.


READ(다른 정보들과 자동으로 연계되도록 설계되는 매우 중요한 툴):

A number of digital reference resources exist that can be used in conjunction with the digitized canons. One of the earliest major reference works to be digi tized was the multi-volume Fo Guang Buddhist Dictionary (Hsing Yun 1988-99) that was made available on CD-ROM in the 1990s.
Other projects were started to make dictionaries available for use directly online. Some of the largest such dictionaries are the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism (http://www.buddhism-dict.net/ddb/ ) and the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese - Eng tish Dictionary (http://www.buddhism-dict.net/dealt/ ) that first came online in 1995 with about 3000 terms and have now grown to over 100,000.
These were developed by Charles Muller while at Toyo Gakuen University who'writes a chap ter about them herein. The University of Chicago hosts a Digital South Asia Li brary that includes a digitized version of the standard Pāli Text Society Pāli English dictionary (http://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/pali/ ).
The University of Cologne, under their Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon project (http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/ ), has digitized a number of Sanskrit dictionaries, including the Sanskrit - English dictionary by Monier Williams and the Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary by Edgerton. A Gāndhārī-English Dictionary pro duced by Stephan Baums and Andrew Glass is available at Gandhari.org , along with Monier Williams' Sanskrit Dictionary, Edgerton's Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit, the Pāli Text Society's Dictionary and other materials (https://gandhari.org/n_dictionary.php).
A searchable PDF of a scholarly Tibetan-Sanskrit English dictionary edited by Jeffrey Hopkins is available for download at (http://uma-tibet.org/pdf/greatbooks/UMA_Dictionary_May2016.pdf.)

The Digital Pāli Reader (https://pali.sirimangalo.org/ ) is an open source tool that provides an easy-to-use interface as an add-on to the Firefox Internet Brows er with basic keyword search, navigation, bookmarking and automatic diction ary look-up as well as conjugation and declension look-up tools. It allows for in stant lookup of words, simply by clicking on a word in the passage being read.


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한국 교원모집 정보

세계 각국의 디지털인문학협회 소속 연구소 열람

